Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Being Lazy

Okay, I've been feeling lazy lately. I have not had time to knit or spin since I've been taking some time for personal rejuvenation. I changed jobs, well, am working on my own private practice again so it is taking a bit of my time and I've just been plain ol' lazy to take pictures to add to the blog.

On a good note, we've been having really good rainfall! Yes, we used to have lots of hot weather, but now, it is nice cool and moist! Thus far, the rabbits coats are growing and looking good. Though I have to admit, the regular grooming is a must due to the moist from the rain.

I'll be taking pictures tomorrow of some items I've been knitting and maybe of our rabbits, as they continue being prepared for the upcoming show this weekend. I am having second thoughts, though about going to the show as driving 4 hours does not sound too appealing. We will see.


  1. Why is it that we all work hard at what we do and then when we aren't working as hard so as to have some relaxation time we think of ourselves as lazy? My husband and I both had a busy and long week at work last week and we came home in the evening beat. Then he said he felt lazy for sitting around doing nothing. I said honey you worked 15 hours a day all week. (Physical labor). I'll be anxious to see your pictures. But only take them when you feel like it and in the meantime enjoy the break in your schedule. :-)

  2. thank you, Annette for the comment. You are quite right. One cannot be considered lazy when one has been working long hours and taking a small rest helps to rejuvenate the senses.
    Unfortunately, my "rejuvenation" was interrupted by some nasty strep. Overall, I'm doing better and even thought I've not done much, but rest, I do not believe I'm lazy. :)
