Sunday, August 30, 2009

Yard Sale was a Success

I am tired! Okay, we had the garage sale Saturday and Sunday. It was a very pleasant experience, though at first it was hard watching several of our nice things being sold for a very reasonable price. Since I had closed my private practice office, I kept lots of toys, furniture and other items that people bought at our Yard sale. We were left with a few items, but we are going to store it in our shed and hopefully have another yard sale some time soon.

It was really hot out there, so it gave me a new perspective on the people that work out in the field doing either yard work, construction, etc. I got sunburned, though I was sitting under an umbrella.

The yard sale was to teach Johnny how hard it is to work for money. Johnny got a great lesson and so did I. It turns out that he couldn't stand the heat much and I ended up being outside doing the selling, though he helped a lot in the morning and during the day when I had to come inside to prepare lunch for us.

Overall, we made $96.00! Woohoo! This was a lot more than I ever though we would make. Now, I decided to give Johnny all the money and told him that his goal is to spend it wisely. I am trying to figure out if he is able to save some of the money, purchase some shorts he wants, or if he spends all the money in candy. He keeps telling me he is "responsible" enough to get a cell phone. I told him I was testing him. So if he passes the test, good for him, if not, good for me!

I have faith in him and hope he manages the money wisely. We'll see.

Oh, and what can one do while sitting outside waiting for people to visit? Well, I combed lots of CVM fiber I had. Now, I have lots of fiber and will be able to spin some yarn! I'll post pictures of the combed fiber soon.

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