Thursday, March 31, 2011

Ugh! Allergies!

The weather in San Antonio, Tx, is horrible for allergy sufferers. The mold, mountain cedar, and Lord know what else in the air count is super high! I have been feeling stuffy, have congestion, and my eyes are dry as can be. I wonder if the pollen, mold, etc., affect the rabbits? My rabbits seem to be doing well, thus far, which is great since by the time I get home, I place a mask on my face to cover my nose and mouth, and go check up on them. Usually, John, my youngest son, has already fed and watered the rabbits--he is SO helpful when I'm ill--this helps me tremendously, as I just tend to get home, make supper, bathe and head to bed. I am able to hit my REM Sleep in a jiffy! I am glad that I clipped all my rabbits this past Sunday to prepare for breeding and due to the weather change. I'm glad they are all comfortable without their coats. Now, I just need to keep my spinning frenzy, but feeling ill does not let me do much. Okay, too much rambling. I need to get going...

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