One needs to know how to collect the fiber so that it can be the best "prime" quality, which can be sold for prices between $5.00-$8.00 or more per ounce! Usually, prime clips are the best for spinning. The 2nd's can also be spun, too, and the 3rd can be felted, discarded, or used for nest boxes.
Usually, when a person raises Angora rabbits, many of the breeders end up spinning their own wool or will send it to be spun elsewhere. Then, once spun, one can decide to sell the yarn, too.
Overall, it is important to keep the rabbits' coats in good clean condition if one is to harvest their fiber for spinning and/or for selling. The cleanest it is, the better as the spinners who purchase fiber from you, will be coming back for more.
Below, are some pictures of hand spun Angora yarn, either 100% Angora and a Blend of 50% Angora/50% Alpaca. Now, the items one can make with these skeins are endless!
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