Johnny had a wonderful time visiting all the rabbit breeders to see what they had available for sale. He was almost hooked on the Lionhead rabbits. They are so awesome; however, after careful consideration he found what he wanted--Thriantas! We got him a pair of nice Thrianta babies, they are so cute and cuddly and have a wonderful reddish color.
The Thrianta rabbit was the 46th breed approved by the ARBA for showing, and is rapidly gaining a tremendous fan club, with ATRBA members located all over the United States.
Thriantas are considered by the A.R.B.A. to be a "fancy" breed, yet are a medium-sized rabbit, ranging up to 6 pounds maximum show weight. They're healthy and hardy, and produce large litters easily. Since all original stock in America was imported, there are limited quantities of the breed available, but most shows are now seeing 20+ Thriantas per show, and specialty shows are starting to be held across the nation.
Yes thrianta rabbit really beautiful.