Friday, March 30, 2012

Seguin Show 2012

Okay, this post is long over due, but I have been quite busy with things, plus, I did not have my camera to take pictures. I took this information from Kelly F., I know she will not mind.

There were many Angoras at the Seguin show and I hope we continue getting new people to show this awesome rabbit!

These were the results:

Show A (Judge Mike Withrow)

English Angora BOB: Brian and Kelly F. (Defiance's first leg!)

English Angora BOS: Danielle N.

French Angora BOB: Michael and Linda F.

French Angora BOS: Michael and Linda F.

Satin Angora BOB: Dana F.

Satin Angora BOS: Dana F.

Show B (Judge Loyd Morgan, Jr.)

English Angora BOB: Sasha M.

English Angora BOS: Danielle N.

French Angora BOB: Michael and Linda F.

French Angora BOS: Michael and Linda F.

Satin Angora BOB: Dana F.

Satin Angora BOB: Dana F.

I would have loved to have won!!! However, everyone else had wonderful rabbits that are deserving of their wins.

I showed 4 Juniors and got very good comments. I will be showing them again, well, now 3, since I sold one, at the TxRBA Show. I might take my REW buck to show, in lieu of the one I sold, but also because I need to register him.

Also, Sasha and Dana had a wonderful spinning demonstration and brought items to sell. It was a great success as our club, Texas Angora Rabbit Club was also being marketed to rabbit enthusiasts.

Okay, today I leave for Belton, and this time, I AM taking my Camera and Video Recorder!!!

P. Ricardo

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